Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Red Bead ( Saga )

(Abrus precatorius, Linn.)
Abrus frutex, Rumph.

Saga (ABRUS PRECATORIS) including clump plant type with the main stem small and propagate in host-buy twisted to the left. The leaves are compound, egg-shaped and small size. Saga leaves resemble the leaves of Tamarindus indica finned odd and has a somewhat sweet taste (usually called Saga Sweet). Saga has a pod containing the seeds of the red with black dots shiny and slippery. Saga seed contains a toxic substance called abrin, so it can not be used for breeding. Medium purple-colored flowers with a shape resembling a butterfly, in support of bunches of flowers. This plant grows wild in many forests, fields or deliberately kept in the yard. Saga can grow well in low-lying areas up to 1000 meters altitude above sea level.

Local Name:
Saga (Indonesia), Saga telik / manis (Jawa), Thaga (Aceh); Saga areuy, saga leutik (Sunda), Walipopo (Gorontalo); Piling-piling (Bali), Seugeu (Gayo), Ailalu pacar (Ambon); Saga buncik, Saga ketek (Minangkabau), Kaca (Bugis);

Leaves and roots of plants abrus pracatorius include protein, vitamins A, B1, B6, C, Calcium Oxalic, glisirizin, flisirizinat, polygalacturomic acid and pentosans.

Curable Disease:
Tonsils, Sore eyes, Sprue;

1. Tonsil
    Ingredients: Saga root to taste, 1 piece of cinnamon and sugar cubes
    How to Make: all ingredients are boiled with 5 cups water
    to boil down to half.
    How to use: filtered and taken 2 times a day 1 cup and
    morning, afternoon.

2. Sore Eyes
    Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves Saga
    How to Make: Saga leaves finely ground, then boiled with
    2 cups of water to be taken vapor.
    How to use: water vapor sage leaves are used for drug
    eye drops.

3. Sprue
    Ingredients: Saga of leaves to taste;
    How to Make: fresh sage leaves are plucked dried several
    minutes for slightly wilted.
    How to use: chew-chew until smooth while for

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