Thursday, July 14, 2011

Carrots ( Wortel )

Carrots  ( Wortel )
(Daucus carota, Linn.) 
Daucus carota, Linn. 
Carrots (Daucus carota) is a plant grown vegetables year round.Especially in mountainous areas that have cold temperatures and moist, more or less at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level.Carrot plants require sunlight and can grow in all seasons. 
Carrots have a rod in the form of a set of wet leaf midrib (leaf stalks) that arise from the base of the fruit of the top (root), like celery. Carrots prefer a loose, fertile soil. According to botanists, carrot (Daucus carota) can be divided into several types, including: CARROT (Daucus carota, Linn.) - The type of imperator, the carrot that has a root length with tapered ends and taste less sweet. - Chantenang types, namely carrot root having elliptic and sweet. - Type of Mantes, namely the combination of types of carrot carrots and chantenang imperator. Tuber roots typical orange-colored carrots. 

Local Name: 
Carrot (UK), Carotte (French), carrot (Netherlands); Wortel (Indonesia), Bortol (Sunda), Carrots, Ortel (Madura); Carrots, Wortol, Wertol, Wertel, Bortol (Java); 
CHEMICAL CONTENT: Carrots (Daucus carota) has the value of a high content of Vitamin A that is equal to 12 000 SI. 
While the composition of the content of another element is the calories by 42 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 9.3 grams carbohydrate, 39 milligrams calcium, 37 milligrams phosphorus, 0.8 milligrams iron, vitamin B 1 0, 06 milligrams, and vitamin C 6 milligrams. The above composition is measured per 100 grams. 
Curable Disease: 
Seizures Heart, Eczema, pinworms, Eye minus; 
Angina pectoris 
    Material: roots of carrots, 2 tablespoons honey, and a piece of palm sugar; 
    Method: carrots grated and squeezed with 2 cups of water, 
    then is mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed; 
    How to use: drink 1 a day. 
Ingredients: 1 bulb carrot and 1 teaspoon of whiting; 
       Method: carrots grated and mixed with whiting 
       until evenly distributed; 
       How to use: affixed on the sick and 
       wrapped with bandages. 
Ingredients: 3 carrots tubers; 
       Method: grated and brewed with 2 cups cooking water; 
       How to use: drink 2 times a day. 
    Ingredients: 5-7 tubers carrots, coconut milk and salt to taste; 
    Method: grated carrots, then added with materials 
    How to use: squeezed and filtered, then taken 

Mata Minus 
    Ingredients: carrot tubers taste; 
    Method: grated and squeezed to take water; 
    How to use: drink every morning regularly. 

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